Previous Connection

I recently reconnected briefly with people that I hadn’t seen in over twenty-five years. It was a bit sobering to realize how old they are as well as how old I am now. Life has a way of moving on. There are others that I’ve been closely connected with over that same period and I…

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This word carries a bit of negativity with it. Confrontation is not always a bad thing. I think confrontation is healthy to relationships on many levels. I usually view confrontation as a big audacious conversation where an argument ensues. There may be occasions where that is needed and can’t be avoided. I see confrontation as…

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Soul Singing

I grew up listening to music. There has been music in my family for as long as I can remember. My grandmother (Essie Hicks) used to entertain the fellow residents of the nursing home where she spent the last few years of her life. She would play and sing “Wildwood Flower”, “Wabash Cannonball”, “Red Wing”…

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Direct Connect

  I remember some of the computer technology that was “pre-internet”. I remember having a “floppy disk” that had a program on it that would run locally on my laptop and then it created some sort of code that would transfer over the modem to another computer in Atlanta. I took my first real estate…

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Match Maker

I see people all the time trying to connect two other people together. If they know both people and they are compatible, then they get introduced and possibly go out on a date. Relationships are tricky and somewhat fragile. When they are built right, they can be incredible rewarding and strong. I believe that God…

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Stiff Neck

There have been times when I awake in the morning and I’ve slept wrong and my neck is very stiff. It’s hard to turn my head side to side when I’ve feeling “stiff neck pain”. I have read many times in scripture where God refers to His people as “stiff necked” people. I came across…

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