The Battles

I would say that I’ve fought many “battles” in my life. I haven’t served in the military per se. Most of my battles have been a bit personal and some of the time involved other people. The biggest part of my battles has been fought “between my ears”. Some of my battles are internal and…

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I’ve heard this word before. There are “naysayers” all over the place. People with an opinion about what I can or can’t do.  I’m trying hard to be an optimist for sure. I want to see the glass “half full” instead of “half empty”. There is a difference in how I see things and what…

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The Battles

I have faced many battles in my life. Sometimes the battle is deeply personal and not obvious to those around me. At other times, the battle is quite obvious. I believe everyone faces battles during their life – some are giant battles, and some are small battles.  I am still learning that Lord will go…

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Pick Your Battles

I remember being advised this as a young parent. I wasn’t sure quite what this meant until my kids became teenagers. During the adolescent years when kids are being transformed into adults there are lots of variables for them. They don’t think wisely in general because they are not wise yet – duh. They are…

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Success In Surrender

I like war movies especially the ones that turn out with us (US) winning. I love the fighting spirit that compels us to fight for the freedoms we enjoy here in the USA. I wish those freedoms for the world, but wishing doesn’t make it happen. My youngest son has been studying American History and…

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