Amazing Grace

I have sung that old hymn “Amazing Grace” too many times to count. There have been times it’s just been a cool old song. There have been other times when I’ve wept as I sing, because in those moments, I was fully aware of my need for this grace, and it was absolutely amazing. Grace…

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Humble Heart

There are so many times when my pride raises its ugly head and pushes humility out of my heart. I do believe that all sin can be traced back to pride. When I add “contrite” to my humility, then my position to the Lord is crystal clear. I am nothing without Him. I’m lost without…

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Final Conclusion

I like getting to the end of a good book and the conclusion is “nail-biting”, yet it wraps up the entire book. I don’t like conclusions that are “open-ended” and the good guys loose. I also don’t like “to be continued”.  I’m not sure I would like to be a judge. When I hear just…

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I absolutely love this word. I have come face to face with its meaning in my life. I am a recipient of huge amounts of grace over the years. I love receiving grace and I also try to give grace to others. I could make a list of the stupid things I’ve done that have…

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Access Code

I had a loud wake up call this morning as I’m stumbling into the kitchen my normal sleepy stupor.  One of my boys had set the security system and accidentally (I hope!) set the motion sensor. That ear-piercing alarm scared the crap out of me and freaked me out a good bit. At times like…

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There are people who are mean, rude and self-righteous. They can tell you exactly what you are doing wrong in God’s eyes and they don’t mind telling you at all. They are full of themselves but cloaking their arrogance under “spiritual clothing”.  I believe God detests this sort of behavior. We are all sinners in…

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