Upright – Life – Laughter

DevastatedI don’t always know how to explain a tragedy to someone. I know that there are accidents that happen. There are bad things that happen because there are bad people in our world. I don’t understand sometimes why the Lord doesn’t intervene and stop bad things from happening. On the other hand, I really have no idea how many times He’s saved me or my loved ones from harm because He hears my prayers for protection.  I’m made a commitment to follow the Lord and trust Him even when my joy may turn to grief.  I know from experience that this is not an easy position to take, but when journeying through His Word – I’m not sure how any other position would be feasible.  Check this out….

11 The house of the wicked will be destroyed,

    but the tent of the upright will flourish.
12 There is a way that appears to be right,

    but in the end it leads to death.
13 Even in laughter the heart may ache,

    and rejoicing may end in grief. (Proverbs 14:11-13 NIV)


Upright – is a decision to follow the Lord in all things. Every situation calls for His Wisdom and direction. Upright is a daily/hourly decision to walk in His Ways and trust Him without exception.

 Life – The only road that leads to life goes through Jesus. Jesus is God’s One and ONLY Son who came to earth, lived a perfect life and gave His life as a ransom/sacrifice for all.

Laughter – I can laugh in the middle of pain and struggle because I know that it’s only temporary.  Hardship and struggle may last a lifetime BUT it’s still temporary. I want to have joy that trumps heartache and pain.

The Lord directs my path and I can’t imagine going along without Him.

Pressing On!

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