
This is a precious commodity that we all have. Time is defined as: the indefinite continued progress of existence and events in the past, present, and future regarded as a whole.  In the big picture of our lives, some of us have more total time than others. But for today we all have the same amount of the currency called time to spend it where we want.

I believe that I often spend time unwisely. I spend it on things that don’t matter in light of eternity. I am constantly trying to budget my time as a REALTOR so that I can serve my clients more effectively, which should lead to transactions that put food on my table at home.   Moses speaks about this subject in a Psalm. Check this out….

1 Lord, you have been our home
       since the beginning.
 2 Before the mountains were born
       and before you created the earth and the world,
    you are God.
       You have always been, and you will always be.
 3 You turn people back into dust.
       You say, “Go back into dust, human beings.”
 4 To you, a thousand years
       is like the passing of a day,
       or like a few hours in the night. (Psalm 90:1-4 NCV)

 God is not bound by the constraints of time that I’m bound to. He is beyond time and space. He is the Creator of all that I see and know about.  Time is much different to Him, but He understand my management of this rare commodity called time.

I want to think about my schedule today and every day and see what I’m spending the currency of time on.  I will spend some working. I will spend some with family. I will spend some resting.  I certainly should notice God and invite Him into my time. He should be present throughout my time on earth.

 Pressing On!

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