The Tree Story

treeI love trees, especially when they are budding and have leaves to provide shade. I’m not considered a “tree hugger” but I do love trees. I don’t always think of trees as anything other than inanimate objects created by God. I am fascinated when Hollywood makes a tree talk or have personality. Trees provide shade in the summer. Their branches can be cut off and provide heat in the winter. They can be used to build houses. The list could go on and on.

The Lord tells a “tree story” through the prophet Ezekiel. He starts out by having an eagle pluck some branches from the top of a cedar tree. This reveals the involvement of the supernatural because Eagles rest in the branches – they don’t usually pull on branches. The eagle then plants the branch and it grows. Check this out…

22 “‘This is what the Lord God says: I myself will also take a young branch from the top of a cedar tree, and I will plant it. I will cut off a small twig from the top of the tree’s young branches, and I will plant it on a very high mountain. 23 I will plant it on the high mountain of Israel. Then it will grow branches and give fruit and become a great cedar tree. Birds of every kind will build nests in it and live in the shelter of the tree’s branches. 24 Then all the trees in the countryside will know that I am the Lord. I bring down the high tree and make the low tree tall. I dry up the green tree and make the dry tree grow. I am the Lord. I have spoken, and I will do it.’” (Ezekiel 17:22-24 NCV)

This story reminds me that the Lord is over His creation. He can step outside the boundaries of the natural and do supernatural things. He can take the life out of tree instantly (Jesus did that to a fig tree) and He can restore life to a dead tree. I would do well to remember that every thing I see, touch, taste, smell…everything in this world is under His command. The Lord ended up dying to save me on a tree that He created. He is Lord of ALL! I’m resting in that promise today!!

Pressing On!

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