The Thought Counts


Thoughtful little girlI remember joking with someone once and told him or her that I “thought” about him or her and it’s the thought that counts! I was definitely being a bit sarcastic. I do think it’s important to be thoughtful and kind. I also think that I need to put action behind my thoughts in order to bless and care for others.

Solomon was offering a prayer of dedication at the Temple of God that he and his team had built. I love his synopsis about what happened when David wanted to build the temple. Check this out….

7 “My father David had it in his heart to build a temple for the Name of the Lord, the God of Israel. 8 But the Lord said to my father David, ‘You did well to have it in your heart to build a temple for my Name. 9 Nevertheless, you are not the one to build the temple, but your son, your own flesh and blood—he is the one who will build the temple for my Name.’

Forgive, and deal with everyone according to all they do, since you know their hearts (for you alone know the human heart), 31 so that they will fear you and walk in obedience to you all the time they live in the land you gave our ancestors. (2 Chronicles 6:7-9; 30b-31 NIV)

When I talk to the Lord, I’m talking to the ONLY ONE Who knows my heart. He knows the purity and the depth of my thoughts. He knows if there is pride and arrogance in my heart. He knows if there is compassion and humility in my heart. He knows the deepest motives of my heart. That has scared me at times – only because I know my heart too.

I believe the only way to keep my heart pure and clean is to surrender my heart to the One Who made my heart. He wired me to love. He wired me to have a heart of love and compassion. I think the environment I live it pulls me to be more self-focused and self-centered. I believe that pride is a major sin inside my heart. I actually think that most every other sin can be traced to the pride in my heart.

The Lord desires to work in my heart and transform my heart. If my heart is clean and pure then it will come out in my behavior. I can correct my behavior for a short while and maybe fake a few people out. I can never fool or fake out the Lord. I believe that working on my heart is working on the infrastructure of all that I am. Everything I am and want to become comes from deep in my heart. My hopes, my dreams, my ideas, my love, my compassion…- all come from my heart. If I “thought” about it, it’s because it’s in my heart. I believe that my thoughts of my heart need to be lived out in my daily activities for sure.

Pressing On!


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