Simple Questions


Young pretty woman with question marksI do like to ask questions. My kids over the years have often become weary with my questions, so I’ve tried to back off a bit and become more selective in my questions. I don’t necessarily ask questions like: “What are you doing tonight?” or “When will you be home?” I usually ask: “What sort of plans do you have tonight?” – a bit broader question that calls for more thought. I try hard to never ask questions that can be answered with “yes” or “no”.

The Psalmist asked some obvious questions, but nevertheless required some thought. Check this out…

Does he who fashioned the ear not hear?
    Does he who formed the eye not see?
10 Does he who disciplines nations not punish?
    Does he who teaches mankind lack knowledge?
11 The Lord knows all human plans;
    he knows that they are futile. (Psalm 94:9-11 NIV)

The older I get the more important I think it is to craft the correct questions in every circumstance rather that make polished statements of truth. I think the most successful attorneys are the ones who’ve learned to ask the best questions.

I believe that the Lord loves it when I ask Him questions. That is a sign that I don’t have all the answers, but I’m coming to Him because He does have all the answers. Asking questions bring clarity. Asking questions sometimes reveals humility. I try hard to not perceive any question as dumb – but there are times when the questions are simply tricky. Check this out…

What goes up & down yet never moves?

How can a man go eight days without sleeping?

If there are 6 apples and you take away 4, how many apples do you have?

I found these tricking questions here.

I need to remember that the Lord loves my questions. I need to remember to ask Him everything about everything. I’ve asked him to help me find something that I’ve lost. I’ve asked Him to help me know what to say to my child who deserves punishment. I will keep asking questions of the One Who has every answer because He made me – wired me and built me from the ground up.

Pressing On!



b-He sleeps during the night
c-The four you took

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