See His Face

bifocal glassesI can remember faces way better than I can remember the names that go with the faces. This drives me nuts, because I realize the importance of remembering someone’s name. I was at a gathering just yesterday and it seemed like our whole town was there and I saw a lot of people I know. There were several people that I knew their face and I would ask my wife if she knew them and could help me with a name. I’m sure that there is a finite number of names that I can remember, but I remember faces. I wish that could count.

King David penned a lot of the Psalms speaking of seeing God. I came across one this morning where God is also seeing us. Check this out…

1 In the Lord I take refuge.

    How then can you say to me:

    ‘Flee like a bird to your mountain.

2 For look, the wicked bend their bows;

    they set their arrows against the strings

to shoot from the shadows

    at the upright in heart.

3 When the foundations are being destroyed,

    what can the righteous do?’

4 The Lord is in his holy temple;

    the Lord is on his heavenly throne.

He observes everyone on earth;

    his eyes examine them.

5 The Lord examines the righteous,

    but the wicked, those who love violence,

    he hates with a passion.

6 On the wicked he will rain

    fiery coals and burning sulphur;

    a scorching wind will be their lot.

7 For the Lord is righteous,

    he loves justice;

    the upright will see his face. (Psalm 11:1-7 NIV)

I believe that I’ve seen the face of God. I see His face in the face of a child. I’ve seen His face in the eyes of an elderly person. I’ve see His face in the eyes of many other people that He created and built. He wired all of us to honor Him with our lives. He built us to serve and love one another. I believe He sees what I do and where I go. I believe if I will look with eyes of faith, I can see His face everywhere I go. The Lord looks upon my life and He wants me to look upon Him.

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