
That word carries a lot of meaning behind it.  Safe is defined as “protected from or not exposed to danger or risk; not likely to be harmed or lost”.  I don’t remember feeling scared at night as a child. I do remember being afraid of the dark and things that hide in the darkness. As I’m older, safe means even more to me. I have a security alarm in my home that also has a fire alarm as well. I am concerned for the safety of three of my children who live on their own and I’m never sure whether they are at home, hanging with their friends or driving to Atlanta.  The Psalmist has penned a great passage about safety and protection that comes from God. Check this out…

 14 The Lord says, “Whoever loves me, I will save.
       I will protect those who know me.
 15 They will call to me, and I will answer them.
       I will be with them in trouble;
       I will rescue them and honor them.
 16 I will give them a long, full life,
       and they will see how I can save. (Psalm 91:14-16 NCV)

The safety that the Lord provides is like none other. He walks with me through the dark places and guides my steps through unknown territory. He never leaves me or runs away. He is not afraid of anything. Nothing seems to rattle Him. He is steady and sure in all situations even when my stomach is in knots.  I need to grow in my trust of Him and the safety of His Presence.

This passage brought to mind a song called “Safe” by Phil Wickham, a prolific songwriter. Check this out…

To the one who’s dreams are falling all apart
And all you’re left with is a tired and broken heart
I can tell by your eyes you think your on your own
but you’re not all alone


Have you heard of the One who can calm the raging seas
Give sight to the blind, pull the lame up to their feet

With a love so strong he’ll never let you go

oh you’re not alone


You will be safe in His arms

You will be safe in His arms

‘Cause the hands that hold the world are holding your heart

This is the promise He made

He will be with You always

When everything is falling apart

You will be safe in His arms


Did you know that the voice that brings the dead to life

Is the very same voice that calls you to rise

So hear Him now He’s calling you home

You will never be alone


These are the hands that built the mountains

the hands that calm the seas

These are the arms that hold the heavens

they are holding you and me

These are hands that healed the leper

Pulled the lame up to their feet

These are the arms that were nailed to a cross

to break our chains and set us free
Pressing On!

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