
This word carries with it “restoration of a person or people to their former position or condition”. It also implies that there was a time when the person of people were taken out or removed from this certain position of place. God had punished His people significantly for their disobedience and irresponsible behavior. He is now rolling out the plan to return them to their position of prominence and power as His chosen people. Check this out….

6 ‘I will strengthen Judah

    and save the tribes of Joseph.

I will restore them

    because I have compassion on them.

They will be as though

    I had not rejected them,

for I am the Lord their God

    and I will answer them. (Zechariah 10:6 NIV)

I believe that the Lord wants to reinstate me and restore me no matter how far away I’ve strayed from Him. His Grace is ridiculous and unlimited. He wants me to follow Him. He wants me to trust Him. He wants me to hold on to Him. He wants me to pursue His heart.

I have been far away from the Lord. I have even been far away when I appeared to be close to Him. Walking with the Lord is deeply personal and private. I can fake it with others, but He knows my heart. He knows me like no one else. He knows my secret thoughts and sins. The amazing thing He restores and reinstates me while erasing my sin. He loves me with a love that is hard to comprehend and sometimes understand because it is not deserved. I deserve punishment and strong consequences yet I receive grace and love that is crazy ridiculous. Wow! #thankful

Pressing On!


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