Q & A Insights


Questions and AnswersI enjoy workshops and seminars where the content is interesting and fun. I especially like the Question & Answer (Q & A) that usually comes at the end. The Q & A time is often informal and relaxed, especially when there is mutual respect.

The Lord speaks to Job after an extended silence during Job’s suffering and loss. The Lord starts by asking a ton of questions that He already knows the answers to. He reveals things about Himself in the questions though. Check this out…

26 “Does the hawk take flight by your wisdom

    and spread its wings toward the south?

27 Does the eagle soar at your command

    and build its nest on high?

28 It dwells on a cliff and stays there at night;

    a rocky crag is its stronghold.

29 From there it looks for food;

    its eyes detect it from afar. (Job 39:26-29 NIV)

I think this passage speaks to the day-to-day insight and control that the Lord has over His creation. He put processes in place so that the created things knew their role in creation. I’m thankful that he didn’t make me a duck. Ducks simply quack, while looking for food and they can’t get settled in any one place because they fly south for the winter. One day they are hanging out with their friends and maybe a human family they’ve adopted, the inside “duck wiring” tells them it’s time to go south and they can’t do anything else – they are a duck. As a human, I get to decide if I’m going south or any other direction. I’m thankful that the Lord wired me the way He did. I can have a different relationship with Him than a duck, a hawk or any other animal or mammal.

My relationship with the Lord involves a lot of Q & A. He has all the answers, but doesn’t always reveal them. One day I will understand all about how He works in my world. I totally respect any questions He may have of me as well.

Pressing On!


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