
This is a word that makes me think of police shows on television. The Police are in pursuit of lawbreakers. They usually catch them too. This word also makes me think of the pursuit for status that we all go for. I think most everyone wants to be noticed. There are friendships to pursue. There are paycheck, profits and earnings to be pursued.  In Song of Solomon, there is a pursuit of a relationship.  Check this out….

 1 At night on my bed,

“Your Word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path”

       I looked for the one I love;
       I looked for him, but I could not find him.
 2 I got up and went around the city,
       in the streets and squares,
    looking for the one I love.
       I looked for him, but I could not find him.
 3 The watchmen found me as they patrolled the city,
       so I asked, “Have you seen the one I love?”
 4 As soon as I had left them,
       I found the one I love.
    I held him and would not let him go
       until I brought him to my mother’s house,
       to the room where I was born. (Song of Solomon 3:1-4 NCV)

 I remember pursuing a relationship the beautiful young woman who later became my wife. We talked often. We spent time together. We shared our goals. I don’t think that there can be a more fulfilling relationship on the planet than that of a healthy marriage between a man and his wife. This is a relationship that is spoken of a lot in scripture. Jesus even uses marriage to describe the relationship of Christ and the Church.

There is something special about the pursuit. Tina and I both look back on that season of life with a smile. We anticipated where this relationship would go. We prayed and dreamed and continued the pursuit, which resulted in marriage. I think it’s important that we continue the pursuit on a different level today.

My relationship with the Lord involves pursuit. He pursues me by making a way for me to be pure before Him through Jesus. His Grace involves constant pursuit of me. I’m in a good place when I’m in pursuit of His Heart and His Ways for me. I believe my journey of faith is really about my pursuit after God’s heart!

Pressing On!

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