Prayer For The King

As I study the Word of God and read the words of the Psalmists, I’m reminded to continually pray for those in leadership over our country, our state, our city, our county and our schools. These are people in positions of leadership elected by the people, but ultimately they all answer to God. I pray that each leader would listen to the prompting of God’s Holy Spirit to guide their decision-making. Solomon had a great prayer for the King. I think he’s praying it over David, but it could very well be he’s praying for his own leadership, as he becomes king. Check this out….

 15 Long live the king!
       Let him receive gold from Sheba.
    Let people always pray for him
       and bless him all day long.
 16 Let the fields grow plenty of grain
       and the hills be covered with crops.
    Let the land be as fertile as Lebanon,
       and let the cities grow like the grass in a field.
 17 Let the king be famous forever;
       let him be remembered as long as the sun shines.
    Let the nations be blessed because of him,
       and may they all bless him.
 18 Praise the Lord God, the God of Israel,
       who alone does such miracles.
 19 Praise his glorious name forever.
       Let his glory fill the whole world. Amen and amen. (Psalm 72:15-19 NCV)

 I really appreciate people who are willing to lead. They are willing to sacrifice precious time from their life to make the lives of others better. I’m grateful to God who listens to our prayers on behalf of our leaders. I pray that they are willing to listen to Him. I pray that more leaders who seek the heart of God will rise up and lead.  Maybe, I should lead in the place I live and work. I believe God calls His people to lead. I believe I should lead by example as I let the Spirit of God lead and direct my path.

Pressing On!

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