Own It

Abstract Silhouette PrayingI have heard this phrase recently quite a bit – in fact I’ve said it. The phrase means to take responsibility for my actions. If they are good actions or bad actions, I still own them and take responsibility for them. If I make a mistake, I own it.

Taking responsibility for my actions and confession are somewhat related. Confession is agreeing with the Lord what my sin is. Taking responsibility for my sin often brings the consequences of my activity. The people of Israel & Judah were guilty of sinning. They need some deep repentance and heart-changing confession. Check this out…

20 We acknowledge our wickedness, Lord,

    and the guilt of our ancestors;

    we have indeed sinned against you.

21 For the sake of your name do not despise us;

    do not dishonor your glorious throne.

Remember your covenant with us

    and do not break it.

22 Do any of the worthless idols of the nations bring rain?

    Do the skies themselves send down showers?

No, it is you, Lord our God.

    Therefore our hope is in you,

    for you are the one who does all this. (Jeremiah 14:20-22 NIV)


If I want to understand my circumstances, I must view them through the eyes of the Lord. When He shows up things change. My circumstances don’t always change when the Lord comes on the scene, but my view of my circumstances changes drastically. His Presence gives perspective. His Presence gives me another angle from which to view my circumstances.

My hope is in the Lord. He created the heavens and the earth. There is nothing that I face that He can’t help me with. I want to daily surrender to His will for me and seek His favor over me. I want Him to reveal to me the way I should go and then He supplies the courage to walk in that way. I want to learn to “own it” when it comes to my behavior, because He’s leading me in His way.

Pressing On!


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