
This is a fairly small or short word but carries a very deep meaning to everyone who has received it.  The Lord is a merciful and loving God. I deserve punishment very often, yet He supplies mercy.  Mercy is defined as kind and gentle treatment of someone (as a wrongdoer or opponent) having no right to it. Or another way…compassion and kindness shown to someone whom it is in one’s power to punish or harm.  The Psalmist cries out for the mercy of God for which I can’t say thanks enough. Check this out…
1 Lord, I am in great trouble,
       so I call out to you.
 2 Lord, hear my voice;
       listen to my prayer for help.
 3 Lord, if you punished people for all their sins,
       no one would be left, Lord.
 4 But you forgive us,
       so you are respected.
 5 I wait for the Lord to help me,
       and I trust his word.
 6 I wait for the Lord to help me
       more than night watchmen wait for the dawn,
       more than night watchmen wait for the dawn.
 7 People of Israel, put your hope in the Lord
       because he is loving
       and able to save. (Psalm 130:1-7 NCV)

I’m so thankful for a Father who loves me and gently directs my path. He protects me and provides for me out of heart full of mercy. I deserve to be punished often for my sin, but God who is full of mercy and grace, forgives and restores.  He is the only One who is perfect to judge, therefore, His mercy is so significant.  I am grateful for mercy and I need to extend mercy to others.

Pressing On!

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