Hope In The Darkest Night

hope erase fearThere was a Batman movie that came out in 2008 called the Dark Night. I’ve never been much of a fan of the darkness. I’ve learned to not be too scared of the dark. As I’ve grown up, I realize that there are lots of things that happen in the dark that are not really good. Darkness can hide a lot of misbehavior and wrongdoing. There are some really bad things done in the darkness that often “come to light” later.

There have been seasons of my life when the darkness seems to envelop me. I can’t seem to escape the struggles of a dark and dank season.

I’ve been through a season where I was fired – darkness.

I’ve been through a season of divorce – darkness.

I’ve been through a season where my son battled cancer – darkness.

In every situation where I faced darkness – hope was not far away. I’ve learned to trust in the Lord in darkest night for the hope that will come in the morning.

The Lord’s people had been captured and were in exile from their homeland. They were powerless to change their circumstances, but the Lord gave them hope. Check this out…

27 “Do not be afraid, Jacob my servant;

    do not be dismayed, Israel.

I will surely save you out of a distant place,

    your descendants from the land of their exile.

Jacob will again have peace and security,

    and no one will make him afraid.

28 Do not be afraid, Jacob my servant,

    for I am with you,” declares the Lord.

“Though I completely destroy all the nations

    among which I scatter you,

    I will not completely destroy you.

I will discipline you but only in due measure;

    I will not let you go entirely unpunished.” (Jeremiah 46:27-28 NIV)


In the darkest of nights hope is not too far away.

Pressing On!


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