History is His-Story

I love studying history of how our country began. I remember as a kid at Knifley Grade Center enjoying the study of Kentucky history and then at Adair County High studying American History. I also learned that some of the mistakes that we are making as a country today, we probably should have learned from in our history.  A man by the name of George Santayana was credited with saying, “those who can’t remember their past are condemned to repeat it”.  I’m wondering if he studied the history of the Israelite nation.  The problem is our memory is bad and we repeat the mistakes of our past.  Check this out….

“Your Word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path”

 8 “Remember this, and do not forget it! Think about these things, you who turn against God.
9 Remember what happened long ago. Remember that I am God, and there is no other God. I am God, and there is no one like me.
10 From the beginning I told you what would happen in the end.
 A long time ago I told you things that have not yet happened.
When I plan something, it happens. What I want to do, I will do. (Isaiah 46:8-10 NCV)

 I need to remember that the One who knows my history better than anyone is the writer of all history. In fact, my history is HIS-story being written on the pages of my life. God has always been present and that fact still is hard for me to comprehend, because everything I know besides Him has a beginning or an ending. He has neither.

The other issue about His-Story is that He not only knows my past, but He holds my future. He is writing today what I will look back on tomorrow as history. I would do well to remember my journey with Him and His-Story that’s being written as I type these words.

I want my journey with Him to be a daily walk that quickens my mind with awareness of His Presence and His direction for every move I make in this life. Then my history will not be full of regrets, but will be a journey with Him worth reflecting on and remembering!

 Pressing On!

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