Good People

I know a lot of good people. In fact a lot of good people may even read my ramblings and know that I think of them as “good people”.  There is something attractive about good people. They are honest, trustworthy, reliable and dependable. Good people have consistent character. 

I must speak to the bottom line…. Sometimes good people do bad things. Question: Does that make them “bad people” or simply “good people who did something bad”? I know a lot of good people who have made mistakes – sometimes-big mistakes, but a mistake should not define a person, but it often does. For example, a man cheats on his wife, or the wife cheats on her husband. Sometimes those choices/mistakes can alter the rest of their life. Another example, might be driving drunk and crashing the car and killing an innocent victim – changes the life of a good person who had a lapse in judgment.

The Psalmist pens a Psalm for worship and reflection that made me think of good people vs. bad people. Check this out….

 12 But good people will grow like palm trees;
       they will be tall like the cedars of Lebanon.
 13 Like trees planted in the Temple of the Lord,
       they will grow strong in the courtyards of our God.
 14 When they are old, they will still produce fruit;
       they will be healthy and fresh.
 15 They will say that the Lord is good.
       He is my Rock, and there is no wrong in him. (Psalm 92:12-15 NCV)

I really want to be “good people”. I want to make little choices and big choices every day that scream out that I’m a good person because my heart belongs to God. He is the anchor for my soul. He is the One who can help me make good choices. I want to walk all the rest of my days on earth with Him. I want to honor Him. I want to repent of the stupid things I’ve done or that I do, and run back to the safety of the Rock. I want to grow like a well-watered tree whose roots go down deep. I want to be known as “good people” to my family, friends, colleagues, but especially to God.


Pressing On!


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