Defend & Rescue


baby under blanketI remember when I was a kid, I wanted to be in law enforcement. I wanted to protect and defend others. I also went through a period of wanting to be in the military. I wanted to be part of the world class armed forces of the USA. I wanted to defend our country against all enemies and I wanted to be part of a group who rescued people from danger. To save people who will die otherwise, must be very fulfilling for sure.  I am past those days of thinking I could physically defend and rescue. I do know Someone Who always defends and rescues.

My wife Tina and I kept our little grandson yesterday and as all parents and grandparents do, we “child-proofed” our house some. We also kept a watchful eye on the little guy all the time he was with us.  We were protecting Him and determined to keep him from harm. We were ready in milliseconds to defend and rescue that little guy.  Asaph was calling upon God, the Father to come help his people much like a parent wants to help their kid.  Check this out…

Defend the weak and the fatherless;
    uphold the cause of the poor and the oppressed.
Rescue the weak and the needy;
    deliver them from the hand of the wicked. (Psalm 82:3-4 NIV)

The Lord is never far away. He knows my predicament.  He knows every situation I face. He is never surprised or “caught off guard” by my circumstances. He has come to my defense before and He will come again. He has rescued me before and He will rescue me again. There are times He rescues me from my own ignorance and stupidity. I get myself in a bad situation and He will still come to defend and rescue.

The more I read in His Word, the more I understand that He never leaves or abandons His kids. He is always near to defend and rescue. I’m thankful for His Presence and Power to always defend & rescue.

No Longer Slaves by Jonathan & Melissa Helser

“You split the sea so I could walk through it

My fears are drowned in perfect love

You rescued me and I can stand and sing

I am a child of God.”


Pressing On!


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