

Always Time to Do What's Right Saying Clock QuoteI remember getting away with things when I was a kid. The times I was caught are really etched in my mind. I knew what I was doing was wrong, but I was trying something new and, BAM! –Busted. Looking back, I think getting busted was a good thing because I became keenly aware of boundaries as well as consequences. These two words have accountability built right inside them. I often wish I could go back and do some things differently, because I know that my bad choices hurt my grandparents and my parents. They really had confidence in me and I let them down. I’m thankful that I didn’t stay there. I’m sure that they kept praying for me that I would get back on track with the Lord.

Paul is giving Timothy some very practical counsel from a seasoned apostle to a young preacher. He gives Timothy a few tips in dealing with people and their behavior. Check this out…

24 Some people’s sins are obvious, preceding them to judgment, but the sins of others surface later. 25 Likewise, good works are obvious, and those that are not obvious cannot remain hidden. (1 Timothy 5:24-25 CSB)

I remember my mom telling me that “remember your sins will find you out”. I hated that phrase because I knew what it meant. I also knew that she was suspicious of something that I had done or hadn’t done.

When I became a parent many years ago, I read a great book called “Raising Positive Kids In A Negative World” by Zig Ziglar. This book had a huge impact on my life. I think it was in this book that he challenges parents to “catch their kid doing good things” and reward them appropriately. I loved the idea because it affirmed the positive behavior instead of watching for the child to make a mistake.

I love people who do good works secretly. I believe the Lord loves this too. When a person does good works secretly, it’s not about them, but the person or persons being served. I also think that this speaks to the motive of the giving. I’ve given to be seen and I’ve given secretly and the secret giving is way more fun and profoundly rewarding.

I want to honor the Lord by doing good to others today and every day. I know that the Lord sees what I do secretly whether good or bad, so I’m going to choose the good way!

Pressing On!


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