
Retro typewriter text the endI can reflect on what happened last night, yesterday, last month, last year or many years ago. I can’t change anything that happened back then. I can’t even change the outcome or consequences way back then. Looking back can be helpful to see where I’ve been, but I can’t dwell there. Some decisions that I regret are back there, but I can’t dwell on the failures or mistakes of my past. I will work today and after it’s over, it will be in the “history” books. King Solomon reflected on his whole life, the fun stuff and the work and decided that it was meaningless. Check this out….

 22 What does a man get for all of his hard work on earth? What does he get for all of his worries? 23 As long as he lives, his work is nothing but pain and sorrow. Even at night his mind can’t rest. That doesn’t have any meaning either.
24 A man can’t do anything better than eat and drink and be satisfied with his work. I’m finally seeing that those things also come from the hand of God. 25 Without his help, who can eat or find pleasure?
26 God gives wisdom, knowledge and happiness to a man who pleases him. But to a sinner he gives the task of gathering and storing up wealth. Then the sinner must hand it over to the one who pleases God. That doesn’t have any meaning either. It’s like chasing the wind. (Ecclesiastes 2:22-26 NIV)


I was reminded that without the Lord, everything I do is meaningless. However, if He is leading my life, then every single thing I do has meaning and significance. I really need to remember to keep all of the activities of this life in proper perspective and I live, work and play. It all matters to my eternity, but my past has been erased and my future is secure with the Lord in charge.

Pressing On!

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