
There have been many times and situations where I’ve felt absolutely useless. If I don’t have anything to contribute to the situation, I wonder why I’m even there. I’ve learned that the Lord has all sorts of ways to use me even when I can’t see it. If I keep walking with Him daily, He…

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Less Than Impressive

I am getting old. I am getting (been) overweight. I eat too much. I don’t sleep enough. I have wrinkled skin. I have thinning hair. I live a somewhat normal life. I live in a small white house on a small piece of land. I drive an old truck most days. I drive an old…

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Keep Calm

There are times that I’m very anxious in my spirit. I can get frustrated with someone or some thing. I can worry. I can be angry. I can be sad. My emotional swing can be quite large. This is not good for me as a follower of God. When I have major worry, major anger…

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Small Things

I usually like big things. I like big buildings – big car – big paycheck – big bank account. You get the picture. There are many things that are big that are good. There are also lots of small things that can be really big. I remember getting a small package for a gift and…

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I’m not super good at looking back through the generations before me of my family. I do remember seeing family trees with names of my family and kinfolk on there. It’s pretty interesting but takes some time and effort to study. I’m aware of my Mom & Dad’s family like their parents and grand parents.…

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I appreciate the service that mirror provides. You can see things about yourself that you might not otherwise see. You can also divert a ray of light in a different direction.  Probably the primary use of a mirror is to see how I look to other people. I can get my hair combed right and…

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