When? Why? How? – The Wrong Questions

I have been guilty on many occasions of asking the wrong question. I sometimes ask simply what comes to mind. The more significant questions come out of thought and preparation. It’s easy to ask one-word questions. Jesus was teaching His disciples about the end of time, and I can see Matthew trying to process what…

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Looking Good!!

I do comb my hair each morning before I leave the house, or I throw on an old cap. I am very conscious of how I look. I can’t control the thinning of my hair and the wrinkles in my skin. I can control my overall appearance to some extent. There are people walking around…

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I remember hearing the debate about prayer in school as I was growing up. I also remember hearing a comment that “as long as there are tests in school; there will be prayer”!  I grew up being taught to pray. I remember an older gentleman at church who prayed the exact same prayer every time…

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Presence Perspective

A few years back, my word for the year was “Presence”. I wanted the Lord’s Presence to be noticed in me. I wanted my presence with others to make a difference. I also prayed often for the Lord’s Presence in me. I realize now that the Presence of the Lord is ALWAYS in me. I’ve…

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Inverted Hierarchy

I learned at a very early age, that there is always a hierarchy in my world. When I was a kid, it was my parents who were in charge at home, when I went to school it was teachers and principals.  As I progressed in school it was the more popular students who were in…

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Lost & Found

I’ve not been very successful finding things I’ve misplaced in a public place. I’ve lost mostly umbrellas and maybe a few jackets or coats. When I go the “Lost & Found” they are not there. I do like finding things that I’ve lost. I get frustrated with myself that I’ve misplaced something or hid it…

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